



Here you can find all the latest information about our current projects. We want to share our experiences and impressions with you.



It goes forward with huge leaps!

We are pleased to inform you that we have won the TU Sustainability Contest with our participation concept for the extension of the Eva Spring of Knowledge School.

We would also like to invite all interested people to our bachelor presentation on 09.04.2018 at 3pm in Studio A513. There we will present our design and celebrate what we have achieved so far.


We made a video to explain our school construction project in Umlyngka. So far it's only in german language.

Check it out to understand how the project works!



Lukas visited the Eva Spring of Knowledge School in 2017 and he recorded his impressions.

Check it out!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8qkkNJUUuU&t=49s


With our project, we have won the Sto Foundation's 2018 Summer School Competition.



In November 2017 we founded our organisation. We are really happy to announce that we are finally and offically a non-profit organisaton since February 2018. This means that we startet our crowdfunding campaign at betterplace.org.

Visit us, get more information and support us in any way you can!
